Wednesday 21 August 2013

We are still stuck in review ...

... sorry for the delay folks. A dumb AudioBus problem - our fault, hands up, sorry - followed by the late discovery of a critical bug has pushed us back to the start of the review process, so it may be another 4 or 5 days yet.

In the meantime, here's what you'll get once we are done - it's GREAT, so please just be patient for a few more days. It will get there soon!

1 comment:

  1. What happened to the Mellotronics M3000?

    I've just discovered your music technical successful endeavour to create a fully fledged musical instrument from the Raspberry Pi and I cannot but agree what the Pi-hardware industry does to discourage people who are committed coders. Maybe it really is about time an App store for Pi is put out there. It may be to late for the Sonic Pi, but maybe future projects will be more fruitful and find their way to as many as possible artists across the globe.

    Wishing you all the best, enjoy the summer months and do upload some more music created with your synths. I enjoy this very much.
